Collecting Non-Vintage Fender Stratocasters

by Tom Watson Part One — Fender Custom Shop Stratocasters Article One – The Fender Custom Shop “A” List, “B” List, “C” List, and “Short...

World’s Most Expensive Fender Squier

November 21, 2003 World’s Most Expensive Fender Squier by Tom Watson A Fender Squier Stratocaster once owned by the late George Harrison brought $29,384 at...

Fender Custom Shop “Cunetto Relics”

October 31, 2003 Fender Custom Shop “Cunetto Relics” by Tom Watson New vintage guitars? That’s the goal of the Fender “Time Machine” series. Can’t afford...


News from Winter NAMM 2004 – Fender Anniversary Stratocasters by Staff The first of the breaking news from the 2004 Winter NAMM Show. For Immediate...